Frequently Asked Questions

Why do some scripts have a price range (like “$70 – $160”) instead of a single price listed?

For our plays, we must charge a royalty fee for each and every performance given. The lowest listed price is what you’d pay to purchase the script and the rights to present one performance of the play; if you intend to present more than one performance, simply let us know how many times you plan to perform (there’s an easy dropdown menu for you to select a number), and we automatically add a small royalty fee per performance. That’s where the price range comes in. Let us know if you still have questions on our pricing!

Do you have recordings of past performances?

Rejected: The Inside StoryYes! For $9.95 each we have DVDs available of three past performances: The Return of Ben Morgenstern, Rejected: The Inside Story, and The Twelve Months of Christmas. You can also access several recordings for free online via our Videos page, and you can visit our Pinterest page to browse photos from past performances.

Can I commission Kittywham Productions to write an original script for my group to perform?

Yes. We do receive requests for commissioned work, though we can’t guarantee that we’ll be able to accept all requests. Our ability to write a script specially fitted to your requirements will depend on our schedule and on your specifications. Pricing for commissioned scripts varies, depending primarily on the length of the script. If you’re interested in commissioning us to write a play or skit for you, please email us at kittywham@gmail.com, submit your request through our Contact Page, or message us on Facebook.

What is a “flexible” cast?

By “flexible,” we mean that a play’s set of characters allows for doubling, making it possible for casts of various sizes to perform the drama. For instance, Narrow Escape includes four characters that appear only in the play’s first scene, so the actors portraying those characters could also play characters that only appear later in the drama. As a result, although the play features 19 different characters, it can be performed by a cast of as few as 15 actors.

If you’re interested in one of our dramas and need to know exactly how “flexible” the cast is, take a look at the play’s Production Notes, linked in the Product Description for each script. These Notes describe casting details, explaining exactly how much doubling is possible, as well as which characters (if any) are gender-neutral.

Can I read the whole script before I make up my mind whether to buy a play?

We often allow prospective customers to read an entire script, depending on the circumstances and the customer’s interest. Sadly, however, copyright violation (theft) is a real risk we have to keep in mind. Since we’re forced to be cautious with the material we make available, we prefer to make this decision on an individual basis. If you’re interested in a particular drama and would like to read through the whole play, please contact us and we will do our best to work something out for you.

Are your scripts digital or printed?

The Gift

All our skits are digital downloads. Immediately after checkout, you’ll receive a link through which you can access the script as a PDF file, and you can then print however many copies you need for your cast.

With our plays, however, you can choose whether you want to buy preprinted scripts or a digital download. Our paper scripts are professionally printed by Gossett Printing, Inc., and if you choose this delivery option, you’ll be shipped a package containing enough scripts for your entire cast and director. If you choose the digital option, you’ll receive a download link after checkout.

(Note: We are in the process of transition, and we’re beginning to offer a few of our plays ONLY as downloads and no longer as preprinted scripts. The Return of Ben Morgenstern, League of Heroes, and As Ever, Sam are the three full-length plays we currently do not offer as preprinted scripts).

May I make changes to a script after I purchase it?

We do permit our customers to make minimal adjustments as needed for their productions, but only very slight changes. For instance, if you purchase Rejected and do not intend to perform it at Christmastime, your cast members may alter or omit one or two lines in which characters make reference to Christmas. The plot, characters, and message of the play remain the same with the adjustments, so we have no objection to that kind of change. But since we require that you acknowledge Rachelle Ferguson as the playwright, we ask that you remain faithful to the script in all but minor details. If you would like to make any substantial changes, please contact us and obtain our written consent before doing so.

Can I buy extra copies of the script for stagehands, sound engineers, etc.?

Rejected: The Inside StoryYes! If you are purchasing or have already purchased a package of preprinted scripts and you need additional scripts for crew members, simply contact us specifying for whom you need the extra copy/copies, and you can purchase however many you need at $5.00 per script.

How many times may I perform the play I’ve bought?

When you place an order for one of our plays, there’s a dropdown menu for you to select the number of times you intend to perform the drama, and the price for the script adjusts accordingly. (The royalty fees per performance decrease as the total number of performances increases.) If you would like to present more than five performances, simply contact us to arrange the appropriate royalty fees.

In contrast, our skits come with a standard license authorizing you to present that script any number of times within one year from the date of purchase.

May I charge admission?

Yes! Our price for each script remains the same whether or not you charge admission for your performance/s.

Are any of your plays musicals?

None of the dramas that we currently have available for purchase are musicals.

I can’t find an answer to my question; how can I get in touch with you to get an explanation?

You can send us an email at kittywham@gmail.com, submit your question through our Contact page, or just message us on Facebook! Use whatever method is easiest for you, and we’ll get your question answered as quickly as we can, typically within 24 hours.