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Interview, Academic Writing


This semester, the Collegian, the student newspaper here at Hillsdale College, has been running a series featuring the tutors at the campus Writing Center. There are fourteen of us in all, and we work one-on-one with students who sign up for meetings to discuss papers that they’re writing for classes. Usually tutorials last about 20 minutes, and we read over the student’s work, ask and answer questions, and try to give them advice on some aspect of the writing or editing process. I’ve found that it’s very rewarding work, not only because I’ve met so many underclassmen and watched them begin to understand new concepts but also because my own writing skills are being further developed by the experience of coaching others.

At any rate, the newspaper editors asked all of us a few interview questions, and they’re gradually printing the tutors’ responses. Recently, my answers were published, so I thought I’d share the interview with you. You can access the online publication here. I hope you enjoy!

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